Fellow Oxonians and Cantabrigians, you are cordially invited to attend The 81st Annual Oxford-Cambridge Friday, April 3, 2020 Reception (cash bar): 6:00 p.m. Black Tie/Highland Dress/Boat Club Blazers Optional, Decorations Our guest of honor will be: THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Gary Johnson, Worcestor College, Oxford ’72, will preside. Daphne Martshenko, Magdalene College, Cambridge ’15, will report on: Please email Jim Dunlop at jcdunlop@jonesday.com TO REGISTER ONLINE — CLICK HERE Or go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-chicago-oxford-cambridge-boat-race-dinner-tickets-95875615547 TO PAY BY CHECK To pay by check, please make payable to James C. Dunlop Please include: Please reply no later than Tuesday, March 31, 2020 IMPORTANT: You must note dietary requirements (vegetarian/vegan/gluten free) on your reservation. It will not be possible to honor late requests at the dinner. |
March 4th, 2020 → 1:18 pm @ admin